Reveal your history
We conserve all kinds of heritage assets, revealing their value
Overall expertise
- Heritage strategy audit and consulting
- Digitization audit
- Managing heritage assets
- Preventive conservation of heritage
- (Re)constitution of collections
- Heritage Digitisation offers
- Scanning on customer premises
- Web promotion
- Content creation
- Museography
1,200 projects completed
Check out our
latest stories
BnF-Partenariats teams up with 13 newspaper publishers and Arkhênum to digitise and promote their archives on a shared platform
Institut & France
Institut de France puts its written and documentary heritage on show
German National Library (DNB)
DNB: Search. Find. Discover
French National Industrial Property Institute
Preserving brand history
BnF-Partenariats teams up with 13 newspaper publishers and Arkhênum to digitise and promote their archives on a shared platform
Institut & France
Institut de France puts its written and documentary heritage on show
German National Library (DNB)
DNB: Search. Find. Discover
French National Industrial Property Institute
Preserving brand history
A shared
Helping you preserve your cultural heritage in all its forms

Making a success of your heritage digitisation project
Making a success of your heritage digitisation projectDo you have a digitisation project in the pipeline? Are you keen to plan ahead to make sure the project is delivered on time and on budget? Our experts have put together a checklist of things you need to think...

Talent Story No. 3
Talent Story No. 3“Arkhênum’s work helps preserve the bonds of history and our society today.”Simon Carty, who joined Arkhênum three years ago, sees his work as a scanning operator as a continuation of his career path. After finishing his studies in fine and applied...

Talent Story No. 2
Talent Story No. 2“We formed really close relationships on this assignment”After joining Arkhênum in 2015 as part of an end-of-study internship, Lisa Le Goff has never left! And with good reason, too: she's at home here and has climbed up the ladder, taking on...